Colin Allbrook, R.I. R.S.M.A. S.E.A., Artist
 A crisp morning |
 A slowly warming sun |
 Across the winter fields |
 After the last drive |
 Autumn shooting |
 Below the wood |
 End of the season - Taw |
 Fishing for trout |
 Heading to the next |
 Hurrying before the rain comes |
 In for milking |
 In the auction shed |
 In the river |
 Late sun and snow |
 Off beating |
 On the river bank |
 Over |
 Setting out across the fields |
 Sheep in the shed |
 Spring fisherman |
 Sunlight in the shed |
 The Frosty field |
 The shooting party |
 Waiting for action |
 Waiting guns |
 Winter shoot |